Audible Flasher Monitor Relay For Towbar Electrics

Audible Flasher Monitor Relay For Towbar Electrics - Towsure
£4.29 £3.75 SAVE £0.54

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Part Code: H100

Audible monitor which sounds in time with the turn signals when the trailer or caravan is plugged in, to provide an audible confirmation of correct turn signal operation.


For use with non-multiplex towbar wiring installation, the audible flasher monitor relay is fitted inline with the N-type socket on the indicator circuits. The monitor sounds in time with the turn signals when the trailer or caravan is plugged in, to provide an audible confirmation of correct turn signal operation.

  • Most commonly fitted in place of a dashboard mounted warning light
  • Installed in the vehicle luggage compartment - easily taped or strapped to wiring loom, no mounting holes/screws needed
  • A visual or audible confirmation of correct turn signal operation is a legal requirement
  • Sounds when the turn signal is switched on whilst towing
  • Not normally required when installing a bypass relay as most bypass relays have an inbuilt turn signal monitor