Vango Airbeam Sky Canopy Side Walls

Vango Airbeam Sky Canopy Side Walls

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Part Code: VCA77

Create a cosy enclosed living area with the AirBeam® Sky Canopy side walls. Easy to attach, simply slide the SkyTrack clip onto the side of the sun canopy using Vango's SkyTrack II® System. Ideal for any campsite, adjust the height of the sides easily for your campervan, motorhome or caravan. Weight: 3.05kg.


Create a cosy enclosed living area with the AirBeam® Sky Canopy side walls. Easy to attach, simply slide the SkyTrack clip onto the side of the sun canopy using Vango's SkyTrack II® System. Ideal for any campsite, adjust the height of the sides easily for your campervan, motorhome or caravan. Weight: 3.05kg.