How to keep your caravan safe

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With a rise in staycations in the UK and more people opting for a caravan holiday somewhere sunny, you need to know how to keep your portable home secure.

When your caravan is not in use, keeping it in a safe location is key. If you have a static caravan, it should be on a site that is locked to prevent unauthorized guests. With a touring caravan, you should park it with the nose facing your home (more difficult to hitch it to a car), remove any valuables, and leave the curtains open to show there is nothing worth stealing inside. You could also secure it to a security post.

Whether in use or not, you should get into the routine of locking all windows and doors whenever you leave the caravan unattended. For extra security, you can also install additional over-locks to the doors.

Hitch locks are also a good investment and a requirement for most caravan insurance companies. Without one, anyone and everyone can simply hitch up your caravan to their car and drive away. Better to be safe than sorry (and without a caravan)!

Another obvious choice would be securing your wheels with a clamp. This locks the wheel and prevents the caravan from being towed away. They are also another requirement by insurance companies, so it is worth investing in one.

Straying away from the many locks you need; you should also invest in an alarm system. There are lots out there. From motion sensors to tilt detection, there is something for everyone. But remember, the more sophisticated the alarm, the more likely you are to prevent and thefts.

Whilst caravan theft is a big threat to any owners, fire is also a big risk. You should always make sure to always have a fire extinguisher and blanket onboard, as well as a smoke alarm fitted. That way, if any accidents do occur, you are prepared.

Profile Image Jess Bradley

Jess Bradley

Staff writer at Towsure. In her free time, Jess loves to enjoy the outdoors by bicycle or on day trips

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