Bulldog CA500 Centaur Wheel Clamp

Bulldog CA500 Centaur Wheel Clamp

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Part Code: BD50095

Bulldog's CA500 Centaur Wheel Clamp is compatible with small trailers, the fully strengthened steel arms allowing for adjustment to a variety of wheel sizes.


Bulldog's CA500 Centaur Wheel Clamp is compatible with small trailers, the fully strengthened steel arms allowing for adjustment to a variety of wheel sizes. Protecting wheel nuts, the heavy duty CA500 Wheel Clamp is drill and pick resistant, holding insurance- and police-approved levels.

Additional Specifications:
Arms: 75 x 6mm Rolled Edge Steel

Tire Depth:
Minimum - 460mm (18 1/4")
Maximum - 530mm (21 1/4")

Tire Width:
Minimum - 160mm (6 1/4")
Maximum - 230mm (9")