Bulldog DC400 Auto Clamp for Motorhomes and Vans
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Bulldog DC400 Autoclamp for Motorhomes and Vans.
- Lightweight and fully adjustable simple to use & fit
- Case hardened top arms for added security
- Rubber backed steel disk protects wheel nuts
- High security drill and pick resistant lock
- Insurance Approved.
- Top arms fully adjustable for tyre width and diameter, case hardened to 746 VPN (60 rockwell)
- Rubber covered steel disc to prevent access to wheel nuts either 150mm diameter or 270mm
diameter dependent on model. (Larger diameter discs for wheels without trims) - Uses Bulldog’s highly developed plunge lock, drill and pick resistant. Can be locked without the
use of keys. Over one million possible key combinations - Yellow powder coated stem section. Manufactured from 40 x 40mm hollow section steel.
Adjustable for tyre width
Bulldog DC400 Auto Clamp for Motorhomes and Vans