Maxview Remora 40 Satellite TV Kit - Twin LNB
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UK manufactured easy to assemble 3 part portable satellite TV kit with twin LNB. The durable and robust kit is specially manufactured for outside use with a compass and easy to adjust manual skew system. 2 year guarantee.
Compatibility: Transmissions from satellites worldwide (UK/European satellites as standard). Compatible with all SD/HD free-to -air satellite receivers including most SKY receivers, not SKY Q
Power: Passive. LNB Powered through Coaxial cable from satellite receiver. No separate power supply required
Dish Size: 40cm (actual size width: 36cm height: 38cm
Dish Acceptance: Angle Azimuth: 6 degrees / Elevation 8 degrees
Elevation Range: 10- 15 degrees
Skew Adjustment: Manual -30 to +30 degrees
Azimuth Range: 95 degrees
LNB: Single Universal LO 10.7 - 12.75 or Twin Universal LO 10.7 - 12.75
Weight: 1.5kg (Dish Assembly Only)