Sleeping bags are essential for any camping activity. Making the right choice is vital for obtaining a comfortable night’s sleep, so you are ready for whatever the next day has in store. We stock a variety of lightweight and insulated sleeping bags to keep you comfortable and warm in all weather conditions, including both single and double sizes.
Our range includes products from brands such as Outwell, Vango, Duvulay, Quest and more. Sleeping bag liners are a great addition to any camping kit. They can add heat to your sleeping bag by trapping in extra layers of air and can improve hygiene. They serve a similar function to a duvet cover or sheet on a bed. For advice on which is the right sleeping bag for your needs, visit us in-store or contact us to access our team’s wealth of camping knowledge to assist with your selection.
Our range includes products from brands such as Outwell, Vango, Duvulay, Quest and more. Sleeping bag liners are a great addition to any camping kit. They can add heat to your sleeping bag by trapping in extra layers of air and can improve hygiene. They serve a similar function to a duvet cover or sheet on a bed. For advice on which is the right sleeping bag for your needs, visit us in-store or contact us to access our team’s wealth of camping knowledge to assist with your selection.