Trek 50 60ml Mosquito & Insect Repellent (Deet)

Trek 50 60ml Mosquito & Insect Repellent (Deet) - Towsure
£7.99 £6.95 SAVE £1.04

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Part Code: M821

Trek repellents provide the ultimate protection for travelers. DEET has been effectively used as a mosquito repellent since 1946, protecting against the risk of Malaria, Zika and mosquito-borne diseases, such as Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus and Chikungunya Fever.


Trek repellents provide the ultimate protection for travelers. DEET has been effectively used as a mosquito repellent since 1946, protecting against the risk of Malaria, Zika and mosquito-borne diseases, such as Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus and Chikungunya Fever.