Bulldog BRC Hitchlock

Bulldog BRC Hitchlock

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Part Code: BD50092

Bulldog's BRC Hitchlock is designed for the Bradley 3500 and Avonride 12-15851, totally enclosing the hitch head and fixings when attached, providing protection that is drill and pick resistant - easily attached but Insurance- and police-approved.


Bulldog's BRC Hitchlock is designed for the Bradley 3500 and Avonride 12-15851, totally enclosing the hitch head and fixings when attached, providing protection that is drill and pick resistant - easily attached but Insurance- and police-approved.

Additional Specifications:

  • Material: 3mm Steel
  • Bulldog Super Lock Bolt 1" (25.4mm) - Pin, Drill, and Pick-Resistant
  • Sold Secure Gold Approval